Tracing Narratives Through Photographs: Migrant Women, Digital Connectivity, and New Methodologies | with Patricia Prieto Blanco (Brighton)

organized by Mine Gencel Bek | AH-228 | 27-28 Feb.

This workshop foremost aims to develop participants‘ sensitivity to the visual in the social and the social in the visual. A theoretical overview of visual methodologies will be complemented by a practical engagements with concrete research methods and culminated in a critique of approaches and tools. Participants will become familiar with traditional methods such as photo-elicitation and novel ones extracted from Dr. Prieto-Blanco’s work with transnational families. The „inherent participatory and empowering“ character of visual methodologies will be questioned in relation to the high levels of self-reflection and awareness of assigned roles such a research demands. The working hypothesis for the discussion is that the desire to empower participants needs to un-apologetically encompass an honest interest in lived experiences and the self, as well as the willingness to surpass a pragmatic modus operandi of research practices (Elliot, 2005).


  • To present examples of visual research projects (for example in art, anthropology, ethnography and sociology)
  • To engage participants in the experience of doing visual research (practice based)

Learning Outcomes

  • Outline a variety of visual methods of data gathering in the human sciences for discussion and analysis (Knowledge)
  • Employ visual methods of research (Application)
  • Judge the appropriateness of particular visual methods of research for concrete lines of inquiry (Evaluation)

Workshop structure

  • Visual Methodologies: an overview
  • Practical engagement: Photo-elicitation
  • Practical engagement : Circle of Reference
  • Round table discussion