Tatjana Seitz

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 (0)271 740 3063

API studies at the intersection of economic, aesthetic and data driven concepts within the context of networked/social interfaces
  • Seitz, T. (2017) Digital Desolation: Amateurs, Aesthetics and the Aging of Web’s Architecture. Amsterdam: Institute of Networked Cultures, online.
  • Hind, S. and Seitz, T. (2021) Agre’s Interactionism, in Götz, M., Hind, S., Lämmerhirt, D., Neumann, H., Och, A-P., Randerath, S. and Seitz, T. (eds.) In the Spirit of Addition: Taking a ‘Practice+’ Approach to Studying Media, SFB1187 Media of Cooperation Working Paper Series, 18 (June).
  • van der Vlist F. N., Helmond A., Burkhardt M., Seitz T. (2021) The Technicity of Platform Governance. Structure and Evolution of Facebook’s APIs, SFB1187 Media of Cooperation Working Paper Series, 21 (July).
  • RESAW Conference, The Web That Was: archives, traces, reflections, Amsterdam, June 2019: ‚Circulating Indexicality, Cyberspace and the Early Web‘, with Sebastian Gießmann, in panel: ‚Territories and Topologies of the Early Web: Internet Cafés, Cyber Geographies, APIs, and Graph Topologies‘, with Stefan Udelhofen, Sebastian Gießmann, Christoph Engemann.
  • Interface Politics Conference 2: After Post-Truth, Barcelona, November 2018: ‚Where is the eXperience in UX Design?‘.
  • Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials conference, London, June 2017: ‚Genealogies of Web Design‘.
  • Into Digital, Warwick, 2016: ‚Digital Desolation. Impact of the Dot-Com Bubble on Screen Design‘.